Git on Windows

In Git Bash if you try to clone a repository from a linux machine you get the following error
“FATAL ERROR: Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent:publickey)

This is a head scratcher. Your server is setup for private key authentication. You can connect to the server from the GitBash MINGW64 terminal using ssh username@linuxserver while the corresponding key information is in the file .ssh/config and the key is stored in the .ssh folder.

Then you use the “git clone ssh://username@linuxserver:/path_to_repo” then you get the above error.

That is because it depends on what your GIT_SSH environment variable is set to. If you use some corporate git servers and the required method of communication is putty and paegant for authentication and key management then the GIT_SSH should point to plink.exe. But if your git repository is a linux machine and you supply the privatekey then the GIT_SSH should be ssh.exe

More information on this link

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