
How to use Git

  1. Create a remote repository
  2. Create a local repository
  3. Add files to the local repository
  4. push the local files to the remote repository

Create a remote repository

How to setup a git server is in a different page.
I’m going to concentrate on how to create a repository in a remote server which is already setup for the git.
Our goal is to create a remote repository for the projects makefiles. This has files that automate my build processes.

  1. Login to the remote server as the git user
  2. go to the root folder of your git repositories
    • in my case it will be /home/git
  3. create a folder called makefiles.git
    $mkdir makefiles.git
  4. change to the folder as
    $cd makefiles.git
  5. initialize the repository inside the makefiles.git folder as
    $git --bare init

Setup the local repository

If you are adding a folder which contains the files for your project then go that folder.

  1. Initialize git in the folder as
    $git init
  2. Mark to add all the files to the git as
    $git add *
  3. Add all the files by committing the add as
    $git commit -a

Setting the remote server for the local repository

We need to setup the local repository with the information about the remote repository

  1. first clear any settings about the remote server as
    $ git remote rm origin
  2. now add the remote server name as
    $ git remote add origin ssh://
  3. if you are ready, send all the files to the remote server as
    $ git push -u origin master

    After this command both the remote and the local repositories are identical. You can either choose to continue working
    or delete the local repository and get a copy from the remote

Working with the project

You would want to have a copy of the entire repository which can be done as follows

$ git clone ssh://

Git Branches

the branches that you create are local and then you can send those branches online by pushing the changes to the repository.

$git branch <branch_name>

will create a branch branch_name for you now we can make a branch active by checkingout that branch

$git checkout <branch_name>

make sure that the changes on master appear in your new branch as follows

$git rebase master

now you can push these changes to the remote branch as follows

$git push origin <branch_name>


This is when you are working with a different branch. say you are working with a branch br_9_22_2012 and you want to merge into master.
First switch to master

$git checkout master

now merge the br_9_22_2012 to the master as follows

$git merge br_9_22_2012

now commit this these changes to the source control

$git commit -a -m "merge message"

Once all the changes are merged to the master, now you can push these to the server as all these changes are local to the disk

$git push -u origin master
Posted in git

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